Monday, January 9, 2012
Let's Par-tay!
As I was scrolling down my Facebook news feed, I ran across a post from Michigan Radio announcing that a campaign to legalize marijuana begins this week in the state. Proponents need to collect more than 322,000 eligible signatures by early July to get the question before voters in November.
Campaign organizer Matthew Abel is quoted as saying, “It’s pretty clear that the polls in favor of ending the drug war, especially against marijuana, go in our favor.”
One poll found that 191 people think the medical marijuana law is too vague and they would support legalizing pot; just 26 respondents thought legalization was a bad idea. I know: in a state with 9.9 million people, 217 folks isn’t a very impressive statistical sample. But still. Sixty-three percent of voters approved the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act in November of 2008. (Last August the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that clinics were illegal; the state Supreme Court will dive in this week.)
Then, a few minutes later, I saw a post about a study finding that “Abstaining from alcohol significantly shortens life.” The study – which spanned two decades, observed people aged 55 to 65 and considered everything from socioeconomic status to physical activity levels – found that mortality rates were highest for those who had never had a sip of booze, lower for heavy drinkers, and lowest for moderate drinkers who enjoyed one to three drinks per day.
Another study finding that abstinence isn’t the best choice? I wonder what Bristol Palin has to say about this.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like 2012 could shape up to be the Year of Booze and Weed.
Sources: Michigan Radio, Mother Nature Network, U.S. Census Bureau.