Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sweet and Stunning Sydney, the Stupendous, Special Singing Sensation

I know this really great singer.

Her name is Sydney and I’ve known her since she was a little girl. She used to visit me at work – her mom’s office was right next door to mine – and she’d sit on my lap and play computer games back when the choices were limited to Minesweeper and Solitaire. She’s 18 or 19 now, a member of DeWitt High School’s Class of 2011, and was just accepted into Michigan State University’s College of Music.

Sydney and me a decade ago
A decade or so ago, I’d go watch her sing whenever I could. I heard her sing at MSU and with the Lansing Symphony Orchestra and at Central United Methodist Church, right next to our State Capital Building. She sang and acted in plays, too, although I never made it to one of those. I always knew she would be a star someday, though, and I’d be able to say, “I knew her when...”

Sydney’s favorite color is blue. She’s right-handed, allergic to cats and horses and partial to ballet slippers over high heels. She excelled in math in high school and turned down a free weekend trip to the Big Apple one time because she had promised to babysit for a neighbor and she always keeps her word. Her boyfriend’s name is Jacob and she drives an old green Subaru.

Jen and Sydney
I’m just kidding. I made all that up. I don’t really know her anymore – I have no idea what her favorite color is or if she likes math or if she’s left- or right-handed and I’m not sure if she’s a mezzo soprano or a soprano (I don’t think she’s a contralto) – but I have been to her house and I gave her a shoulder ride once. She was always good-humored and well-behaved and she never seemed to tire of me asking her to sing a little something. She never sang Britney Spears or Jennifer Lopez songs; it was always Broadway show tunes and arias. Her version of “Tomorrow” would have knocked Andrea McArdle’s socks off and her version of “At Last” (see below) would have made Ms. Etta James smile.

Her mother – my friend, Jen – points out that Sydney’s not just an amazing singer; she’s a wonderful person who’s sweet, intelligent and witty. It’s almost unfair how gifted this young woman is. If anyone has reason to be egotistical, Sydney does. Thank goodness she’s not.

So the purpose of today’s post is to document my familiarity with a future opera superstar. Her name is Sydney Rostar and she has a voice that can shatter glass and give you goosebumps. Someday you’re going to need to drop some serious cash on tickets to her concerts. When you do, remember that you heard about her from me first.


  1. I know her too!! never got her autograph tho...

  2. Wow.........powerful voice
