Monday, March 7, 2011

Better than Facebook?

I've thought about blogging for a while.  I enjoy posting my political opinions, thoughts, reactions to my kids, etc. and sharing informational and provocative articles and music videos on my Facebook page.  Since I'm never sure what Mark Zuckerberg has up his billion dollar sleeves and always wonder if any of my Facebook "friends" actually read my clever status updates, I've considered doing away with the Middle Man and going out into the cold, dark, immense World Wide Web alone for some time now.  Today's the day.  Don't hurt me, unseen monsters and treacherous landscapes..... 

I intend to write about my family - my wife, Anita, and my five above-average kids: Amelia (20), Nikita (11), Bryant (9), Maya (8) and Devina (6) - as well as politics and politicians, public policy, current events, cultural and entertainment topics, music and literature.  (Although I like poetry, I don't feel qualified to wax too poetic.)  I'm not opposed to posting the views and musings of others but I reserve the right to edit submissions and nobody's gettin' paid.

Speaking of clever status updates, here's today's:

Patrick Diehl heard the Wench from Wasilla is ticked off at Kathy Griffin for telling jokes about her spawn. Yeah, that publicity-hungry family ought to be off-limits, for Pete's sake. I mean, you run for vice president, your no-talent daughter competes on Dancing with the Stars, you write more books than you've read, and you ought to be left alone, dammit.

Since Anita gave me my birthday presents early this year (I was born on the Ides of March almost 49 years ago), I don't expect any gifts except your loyal readership and reasoned responses.  So please and thank you in advance.


  1. Firstly, Happy Birthday (and beware the Ides of March).

    Secondly, can Huckabee see Russia from Sara Palin's house? Can either of them see clearly enough to realize that they're two of the biggest hypocrites that have ever graced the Republican party?

    Thirdly, welcome to blogging. You gave me the impetus to do mine too.

  2. Just so you know, I won't read about Palin or Sheen. It's all been said. :-)

  3. Good luck with the blog Pat!

  4. Happy Birthday Patrick!

    Even though I'm not American I can enjoy some of you're political satire.

